KSU Cut Off Mark For All Courses 2022/2023

Kogi State University Cut Off Mark

The Kogi State University (KSU) Cut Off Mark is out for the 2022/2023 academic session.

Are you an Aspirant of The Kogi State University (KSU)?, And you want to know Kogi State University Cut Off Mark For All Courses For the 2022/2023 Academic Session?, KSU Cut Off Mark.

If you answered yes, this post is extremely for you as we will be showing you The Kogi State University (KSU) latest cut off mark for all courses for the 2022/2023 academic session.

We urge all aspirants of The Kogi State University (KSU) to read this information in full and pass it to other aspirants.

It is important for you to know if you meet The Kogi State University Cut Off Mark ams admission requirements before purchasing KSU POST UTME Form.

The administration of The Kogi State University (KSU) has made it known to the general public that there will be no admission consideration or favouritism for unqualified candidates.

Table Of Contents

KSU Cut Off Mark 2022/2023

The management of The Kogi State University (KSU) has announced 160 as the latest cut off mark for admission for the 2022/2023 academic session.

This means that all candidates seeking admission into The Kogi State University (KSU) must have a minimum mark of 160 and above in JAMB to be eligible for admission.

KSU JAMB Cut Off Mark 2022/2023

The Kogi State University (KSU) latest JAMB Cut Off Mark is 160 for the 2022/2023 academic session.

Candidates seeking admission into The Kogi State University (KSU) must have scored a minimum mark of 160 and above in JAMB to be considered for admission.

KSU Minimum Cut Off Mark

The administration of The Kogi State University (KSU) has pegged 160 as the minimum cut off mark for admission for the 2022/2023 academic session.

The Kogi State University Minimum Cut Off Mark is a mark or points all candidates seeking admission into KSU must have scored in JAMB before he/she will be eligible to purchase KSU POST UTME Form.

It should be noted that there are two types of Kogi State University Cut Off Mark namely; KSU General Cut Off Mark and KSU Departmental Cut Off Mark For All Courses.

Kogi State University Courses And Cut Off Mark

S/NCoursesKogi State University (KSU) Departmental Cut Off Mark For All Courses
2Fisheries and Aquaculture160
3Food science and Technology160
5Home sciences160
6Arabic language & Literature160
7Christian religious knowledge160
8English Language & Literary studies160
9History and International studies160
10Islamic studies160
12Theatre arts160
13Education & biology160
14Education & Chemistry160
15Education & Mathematics160
16Education & Physics160
17Education & Christian religious knowledge160
18Education & Islamic studies160
19Education & English language160
20Education & Economics160
21Education & Geography160
22Education & Social studies160
23Human kinetics & Health education160
24Education Administration & Planning160
25Library and Information science160
26Islamic & Sharia law220
27Common Law220
29Banking and Finance160
30Business administration160
31Public administration160
32Animal and Environmental Biology160
37Industrial chemistry160
41Plant sciences & Biotechnology160
44Geography & Planning160
45Mass communication180
46Political science160
48Human Anatomy160
49Human Physiology160

READ ALSO: How To Calculate Kogi State University (KSU) POST UTME Aggregate Score.

Kogi State University Admission Requirements

Candidates seeking admission into The Kogi State University (KSU) must meet the below requirements.

1. The screening exercise for admission of candidates will be administered only on candidates who applied to Kogi State University as institution of First Choice.

2. Only candidates who scored 160 and above in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) are qualified for the screening exercise.

3. Candidates must possess the basic Five (5) O’level credit passes in accordance with the University’s entry requirements.

4. The subjects taken at the O’ level must be conventional subjects: Arts (History/Govt., CRS/IRK, English Language, Lit. in English), Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Further Mathematics) or Social Sciences (Economics/Commence, Geography).

5. It is mandatory that Candidates upload their O’ level results, as no admission will be offered without uploading of O’ level on CAPS.

6. However, candidates who are awaiting their O’level results may apply but should so indicate.

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